<div class="tab-content-content">Code editor is a text editor that is specifically designed for coding. It is a useful tool for developers who work on Android. The editor comes with a range of features that are essential for coding, including syntax highlighting, auto indention, code assist, auto completion, compilation and execution. If you are looking for a plain text editor, you can download QuickEdit Text Editor instead.</div><div class="tab-content-content"></div><div class="tab-content-content">One of the key features of Code editor is its syntax highlighting, which supports over 110 languages, including C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, PHP, Perl, Python, Lua, and Dart. The editor also includes an online compiler that can compile and run over 30 common languages, such as Python, PHP, Java, JS/NodeJS, C/C++, Rust, Pascal, Haskell, and Ruby. Other features include code assist, folding and auto completion, the ability to easily navigate between multiple tabs, and the ability to undo and redo changes without limit.</div><div class="tab-content-content"></div><div class="tab-content-content">Code editor also includes a range of other useful features, such as the ability to search and replace with regular expressions, show or hide line numbers, highlight matching parentheses, and display invisible characters. The editor also allows you to open files from recently opened or added file collections, preview HTML and Markdown files, and includes Emmet support for web development. Additionally, the editor supports physical keyboard input, including key combinations, and comes with three application themes and over 30 syntax highlighting themes.</div><div class="tab-content-content"></div><div class="tab-content-content">If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions for the editor, you can contact the developer at
[email protected]. If you are interested in translating the application to your native language, you can also contact the developer at the same email address. </div><div class="tab-content-content"></div><div class="tab-content-content">Overall, Code editor is a powerful and versatile tool for developers who work on Android, offering a range of features that are essential for coding.</div>