Phinsh Collage Maker - Photo Collage & Photo Shape
A fun tool for making photo collages
Making a collage of your photos in a very meaningful way is a very artistic thing to do. We usually collage our own collections of the same type of photos in various arrangements to make very interesting or meaningful shapes that can express our feelings or creativity very well. Phinsh Collage Maker - Photo Collage & Photo Shape is a photo collage maker by Unique Pixel Studio. It uses a very innovative way of placing our photo collections in any shape we want, and the number of placements is unlimited, no matter how many or how few are placed it intelligently arranges the photos in the right size, allowing us to create very meaningful pieces with one click. This app is seemingly very simple but can do a lot of meaningful things. We can share our collages on social media platforms and share our ideas or stories with more people. We can share our collages on social media platforms and share our creativity or stories with more people. We can make our photo collections into various shapes of logos that can be printed on clothes or mug posters etc. to express our personality and show our creativity. For your 18th birthday, arrange your photo album in the shape of 18 and share it on social media or print it out for your friends on your birthday.
What are the features of Phinsh Collage Maker - Photo Collage & Photo Shape
As a personalised photo collage software, Phinsh Collage Maker - Photo Collage & Photo Shape is doing something simple and very rewarding. It is easy to use, andall we need to do is go into the app and select a photo and shape, then click on generate and our photo grid is ready. You can add an unlimited number of photos to a collage and use more than 20, 30, 50, 100 or 500 images in a single collage. The entire software has over 250 predefined shape templates for round photo collages, text photo collages, heart-shaped photo frames... and so on - basically all our usual shapes can be found. It is also possible to use any text as a collage shape, a collage of number shapes, a collage of letters or alphabets, which will produce very meaningful effects at special points. Adding and editing text to our collage will allow our collage to better express our meaning. And although our collage is generated in one click, it is also easy to switch and edit the position of the photos so that each one can find its proper place. In short it is possible to customise them in every way we wish. We can also choose transparent backgrounds, use custom shapes, save in high resolution and a host of other advanced operations. This allows us to create collages that are navigable or fully customisable.
Does Phinsh Collage Maker - Photo Collage & Photo Shape cost anything?
Phinsh Collage Maker - Photo Collage & Photo Shape is free to download and use, but the software does include some advertising and in-app purchases.
What is the feedback from users of Phinsh Collage Maker - Photo Collage & Photo Shape?
Phinsh Collage Maker - Photo Collage & Photo Shape has reached 1,000,000+ downloads on the Google Play Store so far, with more than 25,000 people giving it a 4.9 rating, which means that it is an excellent app that has gained a lot of popularity and trust.