Google Authenticator
Simplify login procedures
Google Authenticator is a login authentication app for Google application. It is committed to providing more secure protection and fast login for mobile phones that use Google application. If you log in to your account on a new mobile phone, you can easily receive the login verification code by using Google Authenticator, even without Internet. So that you can change your device to log in anytime and anywhere, making it easier for you to use Google application.
Ensure the security of your apps
Google Authenticator offers more comprehensive safeguard for your account, by which you can log in more safely. With Google Authenticator, users can encrypt their mobile phones twice, protecting personal privacy and important data.
Encrypt your mobile phone
Logging in to the application can be achieved through two-step verification-the password and the dynamic password generated by the mobile phone with Google Authenticator. Even if someone steals or figures out your password, they can’t log in to the account for they can't use your mobile phone.
Build a stable anti-theft system
With Google Authenticator, when the mobile phone is lost, it is quite easy to change the password on the website. Then, as long as the person who picks up the mobile phone switches folders or downloads files with network, the mobile terminal will automatically notify him/her to re-input the new password, so that he/she can’t log in.
Strong practicability High security
Complex preliminary verification