A real-time social application based on virtual room.
Discuss related topics in the room with netizens. Join a room at any time to listen to real-time conversations. Create your own room and invite others to communicate with you. All these can be achieved in Clubhouse, which is quite famous among the VC entrepreneurial circle in Silicon Valley.
Ensured privacy of users' room conversations
Whether public or semi-public to all the users depends on you after a room is established. You can only invite users and friends you trust when the conversations are confidential. Clubhouse will not record any conversations in the room. All the information discussed in the room will be erased when the room is dissolved.
Diverse communication contents
Clubhouse has gradually developed into a popular social application among young people from one only used by the investors and few users. The contents have been enriched gradually, from politics, medicine, science and technology to entertainment and hobbies close to people's life. Users with the invitation and registration can join the room discussion of various topics at any time.
Communicating with celebrities
Clubhouse has attracted many Silicon Valley celebrities and social stars in its early days because of its unique design concept and high-level security. You can even see famous hip-hoppers such as Fab 5 Freddy and MC Hammer because the co-founder of a16z Ben Horowitz is one of the users of Clubhouse and has many friends in the field.
Ensured privacy and high-level security Simple and convenient functions
Complex invitation steps