BetterHelp - Therapy
A software that connects us to psychotherapists
As our society develops, psychological problems are arising all around us. Cities are becoming more and more developed, but our happiness index is decreasing and various kinds of anxiety and depression are emerging. When these psychological problems appear in us, don't face them alone, the best way is to seek the help of a psychotherapist. Now we don't need to go to the hospital to have a one-to-one session with a psychotherapist. All we need is a mobile phone app to connect with a psychotherapist at any time. BetterHelp - Therapy is an app by BetterHelp - Therapy Made Easy that provides users with a convenient way to get professional help from a licensed therapist. With over 20,000 trained, experienced and certified therapists covering a wide range of areas - from depression and anxiety to family and couples therapy - it is the easiest way to get personal professional help when we need it Get the most effective treatment when we need it.
What are the features of BetterHelp - Therapy?
As a counselling service for users, BetterHelp - Therapy has over 20,000 licensed, certified and experienced therapists and a strong team of therapists to ensure that our needs are addressed quickly. We can use questionnaires to match the best therapist for our needs, have unlimited private one-on-one sessions with our therapists, schedule live sessions or secure private correspondence with our therapists, and participate in constructive and educational group webinars from there. Sharing a summary of everyone's journey ensures that everyone can work through their difficulties.
How BetterHelp - Therapy works for us
To enter BetterHelp - Therapy we need to fill out a questionnaire and BetterHelp - Therapy will match us with a licensed therapist based on our needs and preferences. We and our therapist will have our own secure and private 'therapy room' where we can send messages to our therapist from any internet-enabled device at any time and from anywhere. We can also arrange weekly meetings to talk live with our therapists via video or telephone. You can write or talk about yourself, what is happening in your life, ask questions and discuss challenges you are facing and our therapists will provide feedback, insight and guidance. This ongoing one-to-one dialogue is the basis of our work with therapists. Through this facilitated approach, many issues can be addressed in a timely and effective manner.
Does BetterHelp - Therapy charge?
BetterHelp - Therapy is free to download and use, but there is a charge for the services within.
What is the feedback from BetterHelp - Therapy users?
As of now, BetterHelp - Therapy has reached 1,000,000+ downloads on the Google Play Store, with more than 21,000 people giving it a 4.6 rating, and from the data it has almost no bad reviews, so people still like and trust it.