<div class="tab-content-content">The story revolves around a boy and his girlfriend, who is kidnapped by a gangster for ransom. The boy is determined to save his girlfriend and faces many dangers, challenges, and difficulties. The player takes on the role of the boy and must make the right decisions to progress through the game. The game is designed to be challenging, with tricky puzzles and quirky solutions.</div><div class="tab-content-content"></div><div class="tab-content-content">To play the game, the player must choose the right answer to complete each challenge. If the player chooses the wrong answer, the game is over. The game features beautiful, unique 2D graphics and intuitive controls. The scenarios are addicting, and the result is often surprising.</div><div class="tab-content-content"></div><div class="tab-content-content">Overall, the game is an exciting adventure that tests the player's decision-making skills. The story is engaging, and the challenges are designed to be challenging but not impossible. The game is perfect for anyone who loves puzzles and adventure games.</div>